The Ruling of writing on Mus-haf
Al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fatawaa) was asked the following question: “We are a group of students who are intending to study the ruling of Tarteel with Warsh (way of recitation) and the Mus-haf which is in our hands is not printed with that way of recitation.
Is it permissible to write notes in the side margins of the Mus-haf?
Is it permissible to write the causes of revelation for the verses and its Tafseer, in brief, in the side margin or not?
Is it permissible to put numbers with some verses (or a word) of the Qur’an for the sake of enumeration (i.e. no. 3 indicates this is the third time the verse is mentioned in the whole of the Holy Qur’an) or to specify the strange words, etc…”
The answer:
“The bases which the whole Ummah is in consensus about regarding the Book of Allaah is that it should be devoid from any additions to it, and that the Mus-haf should be kept with its writing that is known and used by the Muslims without any addition or detraction (deletion).
So we advise you to leave what you have mentioned of writing on the margins of the Mus-haf. You may write what you need to on separate papers which mention the name of the Surah and the number of the verse. In this way, you would join between maintaining the Book of Allaah and writing what benefits you and helps you in understanding.
With Allaah is the success.” [Fatwa no. 18618 – Fatwa al-Lajnah ad-Da’imah]
Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen (Rahimahullaah) was asked:
“O Shaikh! There is a phenomenon that has appeared with the students in the school and groups of students when memorizing the Qur’an which consists of underestimation (contempt) of the Qur’an and that is by writing on it and writing things that do not befit this Noble Book. What is your advice for those who are responsible in these schools?”
The answer:
“It is obligatory and a must for the Muslims to magnify and venerate the Word (Speech) of Allaah (Ta’ala). Therefore, it is required from the one who wants to touch the Qur’an to perform Wudu’ as an honor for this Qur’an. It is not permissible to write on the Qur’anic words or phrases that do not befit to it, not even writing phrases that do befit like an explanation of the words or the like. It is better not to write on the Qur’an in order not to mingle with the Qur’an what is not of it (just to keep the Word of Allaah).
If this happened, it is the duty of those who are in charge of the students and the teachers to punish these students with what they see suitable as a deterrent.” [Liqaa’ al-Baab al-Maftooh no.88, question 7].
Dr. Abdullah ibn Muhammad at-Tayyar (Professor of Shar’iah College in al-Qaseem) was asked?
What is the ruling of writing on the Mus-haf in the following cases:
1) Writing the name or the school year on the outer cover or inner cover of the Mus-haf.
2) Underlining certain words to emphasize some Tajweed rules.
3) Putting stickers on the Mus-haf with the name of the student on it such that each student is responsible for his Mus-haf.
4) Putting some symbols or a letter or a number on the inner cover of the Mus-haf to preserve it from loss and so forth.
5) The bad writings by the youth.
The answer
“Allaah revealed the Qur’an upon His Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) as guidance and a light for the whole world till the establishment of the Day of Judgment. And Allaah honored the early generation of this nation for memorizing it, acting upon it in all their worldly affairs and abiding by its rulings in their minor and major affairs. This generation continued in maintaining the Qur’an, giving it its importance and honor and respect sensibly and insensibly.
However, generations succeeded them who did not give the Qur’an its due estimate nor did they magnify it as it should be. One may pass by any mosque and see copies of the Qur’an which are torn or have been disrespected with bad words having been written on them or even writing on it words of no benefit and in which there is no interest and sometimes underlining its words and effacing some of its words which causes aversion of the true pious believer.
Answers for the Questions
- This action is not permissible, because the Mus-haf should be honored and magnified because it comprises Allaah’s Words. The Salaf of this Ummah were among the people taking the most care of the Qur’an and strictly forbade exposing the Mus-haf to any means of contempt.
Abu Hamza narrated: Ibraheem an-Nakh’iee saw in my Mus-haf “the opening of Surah such and such”, he said to me: “Erase it, for Ibn Masnad said: “Don’t mix the Book of Allaah with what is not of it.” What about if they see our Mus-haf and all these writings on it?
Answers for questions 2 and 3:
This action should be avoided. No number or letter or drawing or symbols are to be written on it even the dots nor even smaller than that or bigger.
Abu Bakr as-Saraj said to Abu Ruzain: “Shall I write in my Mus-haf such and such Surah, he answered: “I am afraid people will come (after us) and do not know it and they think that it is part of Qur’an (Allah’s Speech).
In fact, everything which questioner asked about are not allowed to be written in the Mus-haf, neither on its outer cover nor on its inner pages. And whoever wants to write anything let him do that on a separate piece of paper or in a notebook by writing the number of the page, the name of the Surah, the number of the verse; in this way we will preserve for the Qur’an its magnificence and prevent any vain or improper (misuse of the Qur’an).
As for question no. 4
From my point of view, I do not see this action impermissible because the sticker can be removed any time, and there is no contempt in writing on the sticker, and because there is a need for it in order not to mix the Mus-haf of this student with another one’s.
As for question no. 5
Undoubtedly this is strictly forbidden because it consists of contempt of the Qur’an and dishonoring the Speech of Allaah and mixing it with forbidden writings.
It is incumbent upon everyone who comes across any of these writings on a Mus-haf to erase it in any possible way as a magnification for Allaah’s Speech and protecting it from the play of the foolish and ignorant people. This is considered enjoining the Ma’roof (the good) and forbidding the Munkar (evil) according to one’s capability.
Finally, I advise my brothers and sisters from among the Muslims to maintain the Speech of Allaah, give respect to the Mus-haf as well as the books that comprise the verses and Hadeeth books, or that comprises the Names and Attributes of Allaah. If they are torn, they should choose a clean place and bury them or burn them and bury its traces, as one should not contempt such matters.
I ask Allaah to guide the Muslims to take care of His Book and act upon it and judge according to it in all their affairs.”
[Muntada ar-Ruqiya ash-Shar’yah].
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