Ruling Concerning Birth Control
The issue of birth control or regulating it out of fear for the provision this is undoubtedly thinking badly about Allaah. This resembles in some aspects to what the people at the time of Jahiliyyah (ignorance period) were doing of killing their children for fear of poverty. This is impermissible because it comprises of these two prohibitions: thinking badly about (having mistrust in) Allaah, secondly the resemblance to the action of people at the time of Jahiliyyah (time of ignorance) in some aspects.
It is incumbent upon the Muslim to believe that no moving, living creature is there on the earth but its provision is due from Allaah, and if Allaah has granted him children, He will open for him the gates of provision such that he will be able to dispose the affairs of these children and their livelihood.
Some people might say ‘I do not use birth-control because of fear for the provision but for fear of justice when disciplining and directing them, however, this is also wrong because discipline and guidance are like their provision, they are all in Allaah’s Hand. As one relies on Allaah for attaining the provision of his children, he should also rely on Allaah in the upbringing and guiding of his children. Allaah is the guide and whomever Allaah guides then he is the guided one.
Accordingly, the one who regulates or uses birth-control for fear of inability to raise his children well is also thinking badly about his Lord, The Exalted, the Blessed.
In Allaah’s Hand are all the matters and man should not do anything that reduces the number of his children, except if the need arises for that or out of necessity.
Bear in mind that a big nation and a large offspring is one of the blessings of Allaah. Therefore, Prophet Shu’aib (Alayhis salaam) reminded his people of this favor saying,
وَاذْكُرُواْ إِذْ كُنتُمْ قَلِيلاً فَكَثَّرَكُمْ
“And remember when you were but few, and He increased you.” [Al-A’raaf 7:86]
Allaah also bestowed this blessing upon children of Isra’eel as He says in Surat al-Israa (17:6):
وَأَمْدَدْنَـكُم بِأَمْوَلٍ وَبَنِينَ وَجَعَلْنَـكُمْ أَكْثَرَ نَفِيرًا
“And We helped you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in man-power.”
There is no doubt that a large population is a means of honor (might) for a nation and a means of standing on its own and its sufficiency. Most likely a large number is a reason to open many sources of livelihood as we have pointed out in the beginning, that there is no living creature on the earth but its provision is with Allaah.
It should be borne in mind that birth control is one of the plots of our enemies and it contradicts what the Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) wished for his nation of multiplication of its number.
He (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) will outnumber the other nations by his nation, on the Day of Resurrection.
Fatawa Noor alad – Darb (The site of Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen)
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