Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) A Sahabi and a Prophet- He who will kill Ad-Dajjal and rule by the Shari’ah of Islam (Part -3)
In the long narration of An-Nawwas ibn Sam’an (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) regarding the emergence of Ad-Dajjal, followed by the descent of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam), the Messenger of Allaah (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) said: “Allaah will send Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam), and he will descend at the white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus. He will be wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron, and his hands will be resting on the wings of two angels.
When he lowers his head, beads of perspiration will fall from his head, and when he raises it, beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every non-believer who smells his odor will die and his breath will reach as far as he can see… (He will then search for the Dajjal) until he catches hold of him at the gate of Ludd and he will kill him. Then a people whom Allaah had protected will come to Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam) and he will wipe their faces and inform them of their ranks in Jannah.” [Reported by Muslim, Book of Fitan, Chapter: Mention of the Dajjal (4/2250)]
Iesa’s (‘Alayhis-Salaam) descent will be upon the victorious group that fights for the truth and gathers to combat the Dajjal. He will descend at the time of prayer and will pray behind the leader of that group.
Ibn Katheer (Rahimahullaah) stated, “This is the most renowned view regarding the place of his descent; that it will be at the white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus.” Ibn Katheer also mentioned that during his time, in the year 741 A.H., Muslims rebuilt a minaret made with white stones. It was built by the funds of the Christians who had burned down the previous minaret in its place. Perhaps this can be considered one of the apparent signs of prophecy; for Allaah ordained the construction of this minaret using the wealth of the Christians so that Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam) can descend at it, kill the swine, break the cross, and not accept Jizyah (tax) from them – all of them will be killed, except those who accept Islam and similarly, other disbelievers. [An-Nihaya Fil Fitan Wal Malaahim by Al-Hafidh Ibn Katheer (1/145)]
Proofs for the Descent of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) from the Noble Qur’an
The descent of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) in the end times is established in the Qur’an and the Mutawaatir (successive chain of narrators) authentic Sunnah, and that is one of the major signs of the Hour.
Allaah (Ta’ala) says in Surat Az-Zukhruf (43:57-61) (interpretation of the meaning): “When the son of Maryam is quoted as an example (i.e., when Iesa is worshipped like their idols), behold! Your people cry aloud (laugh out at the example) and say: ‘Are our Aaliha (gods) better or is he?’ They quoted not the above example except for argument. Nay! But they are a quarrelsome people. He was no more than a slave. We granted Our Favor to him, and We made him an example to the Children of Israel (i.e. his creation without a father). And if it were Our Will, We would have [destroyed you (mankind) all, and] made angels to replace you on the earth. And he (i.e., Iesa’s descent) shall be a known sign for the Hour (Day of Resurrection).”
The descent of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) before the Day of Judgment is a sign of the nearness of the Hour. This is also proven by another recitation:
وإنه لعَلَم للساعة
With a Fatha on the ‘Ayn’ and on the ‘Laam’ (i.e. Alam), means this is a sign and an indicator of the Hour.
This recitation is narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas, Mujahid, and other scholars of Tafseer. [Tafseer Al-Qurtubi (16/105) and Tafseer At-Tabari (25/90-91)]
Imam Ahmad narrated with his chain, up until Ibn ‘Abbaas (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhuma) in the Tafseer of the verse, “Indeed, he is (a sign of) knowledge of the Hour.“ Ibn ‘Abbaas (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhuma) said: “It refers to the descent of Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam) before the Day of Judgment.” [Reported by Ahmad (4/329) (no. 2921) and Ahmad Shakir said its Isnad is Saheeh]
Allaah (Ta’ala) says in Surat An-Nisaa’ (4:157-159) (interpretation of the meaning): “Because of their saying (in boast), ‘We killed the Messiah Iesa ibn Maryam, the Messenger of Allaah,’ – but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of Iesa was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely, they killed him not, but Allaah raised him unto Himself. And Allaah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise. And there is none of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) but must believe in him (i.e., in Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) as only a Messenger of Allaah and a human being) before his (Iesa’s) death. And on the Day of Resurrection, he [Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam)] will be a witness against them.”
These verses indicate that the Jews did not kill or crucify Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam). Rather, Allaah raised him to the heavens, as mentioned in the following verse: “(Remember) when Allaah said: ‘O Iesa! I will take you and raise you to Myself.‘” [Surat Aal-‘Imran (3:55)]
Indeed, these verses indicate that there will be those from the people of the Book who will believe in Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) towards the end of time, and this will happen when he descends (with soul and physical body) before his death – this is reported in authentic Mutawaatir Ahadeeth.
Proof for the Descent of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) from the Sunnah
Indeed, there are many Mutawaatir (consecutive, successive chain) proofs of his descent at the end of time. Abu Hurairah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) narrated that Allaah’s Messenger (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “By Him, in Whose Hands my soul is, surely the son of Maryam will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a just ruler); he will break the cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizyah (i.e. tax imposed on non-Muslims, who would keep their own religion rather than embrace Islam). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allaah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it.”
Abu Hurairah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) added, “If you wish, you can recite, ‘And there is none of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) but must believe in him [i.e., Iesa (Jesus) as only a Messenger of Allaah and a human being)] before his [Iesa (Jesus) or a Jew’s or a Christian’s] death, (at the time of the appearance of the angel of death). And on the Day of Resurrection, he (i.e., Iesa) will be a witness against them.‘” [Surat An-Nisaa’ (4:159)]. [Al-Bukhaari no. 3448 and Muslim no. 155]
Jabir ibn ‘Abdullaah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) narrated: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) say: ‘A section of my people will not cease fighting for the Truth and will prevail till the Day of Resurrection.’ He (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘Iesa ibn Maryam would then descend and their (Muslims’) commander would invite him to lead them in prayer, but he will say, ‘No, some amongst you are commanders over some (amongst you). This is the honor from Allaah for this Ummah.'” [Muslim no. 156]
Abu Hurairah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) narrated from the Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam): “The Prophets are paternal brothers; their mothers are different, but their religion is one. I am most akin to Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam) because there was no Prophet between me and him. He will descend, so if you see him, recognize him.” [Al-Silsilah As-Saheeha no. 2182 and authenticated by Al-Albaani who graded it Saheeh]
The Wisdom behind the Descent of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) and no one else
Several scholars have pointed out some wisdoms behind the descent of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) at the end of time. They have various opinions on this matter:
- Refuting the Jews who claim to have killed Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) -Allaah will expose their falsehood, and Iesa will kill them and their leader Ad-Dajjal. Ibn Hajar favored this opinion over others.
2. Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) found the virtue of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in the Injeel, as is mentioned in the verse (interpretation of the meaning): “But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong. It then becomes thick, and it stands straight on its stem.” [Surat Al-Fat-h (48:29)]
Thus Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) supplicated to Allaah to make him amongst them. Allaah responded to his supplication, preserving him until his descent at the end of times as a reformer for the matter of Islam.
Imam Maalik (Rahimahullaah) mentioned, “I was told that when the Christians saw the Sahabah who conquered Shaam, they would say: ‘By Allaah, these people are better than the disciples as far as we know.'” [Tafseer Ibn Katheer (7/343)]
Ibn Katheer commented on this, “They spoke the truth in that. Indeed, this Ummah (nation) is praised in the earlier Scriptures and the widely circulated reports.” [Tafseer Ibn Katheer (7/343)]
Imam Adh-Dhahabi stated in his book “Tajreed Asma’ As-Sahabah”: “Iesa ibn Maryam was a Companion and a Prophet. He saw the Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) on the night of ascension and he greeted him. Therefore, he is the last of the Companions to die.” [Tajreed Asma’ As-Sahabah (1/432)]
3. The descent of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) from the heavens will be close to the appointed time of his burial in the earth; for no created being made of dust can die outside of it. His descent will coincide with the emergence of the Dajjal, and Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will kill him.
4. Iesa’s (‘Alayhis-Salaam) descent will be a refutation of the lies of the Christians, and it will expose the falsehood of their claims. Allaah will destroy all religions except Islam during that time. Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will break the cross, kill the swine, and abolish the Jizyah.
5. The descent is amongst his distinctions as indicated by the Prophet’s (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) saying: “I am the closest among the people to Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam), and there is no Prophet between me and him.” [Al-Bukhaari no. 3442]
The Messenger of Allaah (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was unique in this among the people, and he was the closest among them to Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam). Verily, Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) gave glad tidings that the Messenger of Allaah (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would come after him, and he called upon the creation to believe in him and have faith in him. [Al-Minhaj Fi Shu’ab Al-Iman (1/424-425) by Al-Halimi and Fat-h Al-Baari (6/493)]. This is mentioned in Allaah’s saying (interpretation of the meaning): “And (remember) when Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) said: ‘O Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allaah unto you confirming the Taurat [(Torah) which came] before me and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.‘” [Surat As-Saff (61:6)]
And in the Hadeeth, the Sahabah asked: “O Messenger of Allaah, tell us about yourself.” He (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “I am the answer to the prayer of my father Ibraheem, and the glad tidings of my brother Iesa.” [Imam Ahmad reported it in Al-Musnad, Tafseer Ibn Katheer (8/136) Musnad Imam Ahmad (4/127 and 5/262) – Bihamishihi Muntakhab Al-Kanz]
The Destruction of Ad-Dajjal at the Hands of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam)
The destruction of the Dajjal will be at the hands of Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam) as indicated by authentic Ahadeeth. The Dajjal will show up everywhere on the entire earth except at Makkah and Al-Madinah, and his followers will increase, his Fitnah will spread, and only a few believers will be saved from it.
At that time, Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will descend to the eastern minaret in Damascus, and the righteous servants of Allaah will gather around him, and he will proceed along with them towards the Dajjal. At that time, the Dajjal will be heading towards Baytul-Maqdis (Jerusalem) but Iesa will catch up with him at the gate of Ludd (a town in Palestine near Baytul-Maqdis), and when the Dajjal sees him, he will dissolve like the melting of salt. Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will say to him, “I have a strike against you that you cannot escape.” Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will eliminate him with his weapon, and his followers will be defeated. The believers will pursue them and kill them until even the trees and stones will call out, “O Muslim! O slave of Allaah! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!” except for the Gharqad tree, as it is said to be a tree of the Jews.” [An-Nihaya Fil Fitan wal-Malaahim (1/128-129). Tahqeeq by Dr. Taha Zeini]
Jabir ibn ‘Abdullaah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “The Dajjal will emerge at a time when religious commitment is low and knowledge has decreased… …Then Iesa ibn Maryam will descend just before dawn and will call people, saying: ‘O people, what is stopping you from coming out against this evil liar?’ They will say, ‘This man is a Jinn’, then they will set out. When they reach Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam), the prayer will be called out, and it will be said to Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam), ‘Go forward (to lead the prayer) O Ruh of Allaah (the Spirit created by Allaah)!’ Iesa will reply: ‘Let your Imam go forward and lead you in prayer.’ When they have prayed Fajr, they will go out to meet him (the Dajjal) and when they see the liar, he will start to dissolve like salt dissolves in water.
Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will approach the Dajjal and kill him; even the trees and rocks will call out, ‘O Ruh of Allaah, here is a Jew!’ None of those who followed Dajjal will be left, they will all be killed.” [Al-Fath Al-Rabbani Tarteeb Musnad Ahmad (24/85-86). Al-Haythami said: It was reported by Ahmad with two chains, one of them having narrators of the Saheeh. See Majma Az-Zawa’id (7/344)]
With the killing of Dajjal – may Allaah curse him – a great tribulation will come to an end, and Allaah will save those who were safe from his evil and the evil of his followers at the hands of the Ruh of Allaah and His Word, Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam) and his believing followers.
With what will Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) rule?
Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will rule with the Shari’ah of Muhammad (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), and he will be from amongst the followers of Muhammad (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) because Iesa will not descend with a new Shari’ah, for Islam is the final religion and will remain so until the Day of Judgment. It will not be abrogated; thus, Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will be a ruler from the rulers of this Ummah. He will be a Mujaddid (reviver) of Islam because there is no Prophet after Prophet Muhammad (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).
So, blessed be the Ummah of Allaah’s Messenger (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), whose Prophet is the greatest of all Prophets, and its last Mujaddid is a Prophet following the path of the Messenger of Allaah and his Shari’ah; rather, he is the last Sahabi Prophet.
Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) performs Hajj to the House of Allaah
Handhalah al-Aslami reported: “I heard Abu Hurairah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) narrating from Allaah’s Messenger (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam): ‘By Him, in Whose Hands is my life, Ibn Maryam will certainly pronounce Talbiya for Hajj or for ‘Umrah or for both (as Qiran) in the valley of Rauhaa’ (a place between Makkah and Al-Madinah).” [Muslim no. 1252]
The Abolishment of Jizyah is not an abrogation of the Jizyah ruling
Iesa’s (‘Alayhis-Salaam) abolishing Jizyah from the disbelievers – although it was permissible in Islam before his descent – is not an abrogation of the Jizyah ruling by way of introducing a new legal system by Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam).
(In fact,) the permissibility of taking Jizyah is restricted until the descent of Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam), as explicitly informed by our Prophet Muhammad (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) who made it clear in his saying: “I swear by Allaah that Ibn Maryam will certainly descend as a just judge and he will definitely break the cross, kill the swine and abolish the Jizyah.” [Muslim no. 155 and Fat-h Al-Baari by Ibn Hajar no. 6/492]
The Spread of Security and the Emergence of Blessings in his (‘Alayhis-Salaam) Era
This is because the entire universe will have submitted to Islam and surrendered to Allaah, and the more obedient a man is to Allaah, the more Allaah subjugates the entire universe for him.
Therefore, when Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) descends, people will recognize it as a sign of the approaching of the Day of Judgment. Everyone will be engrossed in acts of worship and obedience, and Allaah will command the earth to yield its blessings. And He will direct the heavens to shower its blessings. Wealth will be surplus, yet no one will take it, and animosity, hatred, and envy will vanish.
The long narration of An-Nawwas ibn Sam’an (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) mentions the advent of Ad-Dajjal and the descent of Iesa, the emergence of Ya’juj and Ma’juj during Iesa’s (‘Alayhis-Salaam) time, his supplication against them, and the destruction of Ya’juj and Ma’juj. The narration also contains the following words, “Then Allaah would send rain which no house of clay or (the tent of) camels’ hairs would keep out and it would wash away the earth until it would appear to be a mirror. Then the earth would be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing and as a result thereof, there would grow (such a big) pomegranate that a group of people would be able to eat that and seek shelter under its skin and the milch cow would give so much milk that a whole party would be able to drink it. And the milch camel would give such (a large quantity of) milk that the whole tribe would be able to drink out of that and the milch sheep would give so much milk that the whole family would be able to drink out of that.” [Muslim no. 2937]
Abu Hurairah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) narrated that the Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “The Prophets are paternal brothers; their mothers are different, but their religion is one. I am most akin to the son of Mary because there is no Prophet between him and me, and he will descend… and Allaah will destroy Ad-Dajjal during his time, and security will prevail on the earth to the extent that lions will graze (i.e. eat and drink in a pasture) with camels, tigers with cattle, and wolves with sheep. Even children will play with snakes without harm.” [Reported by Ahmad, and Ibn Hajar said its chain is authentic. Fat-h Al-Baari (2/493)]
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhu) that the Messenger of Allaah (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “By Allaah, Iesa ibn Maryam (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will certainly descend as a just ruler, and he will abolish the Jizyah and will leave the young she-camel, but no one will endeavor (to do) it. Spite, hatred, and jealousy against one another will certainly disappear and when he summons people to accept wealth, not even one would do so (due to the abundance of wealth).” [Muslim no. 155]
Al-Nawawi commented: “Meaning, people will practice Zuhd (asceticism- righteousness) in this regard – i.e., she-camels – they will not desire to own them due to the abundance of wealth, lack of need, and awareness of the imminent approach of the Day of Judgment. A young she-camel is mentioned because it is the most noble/valuable possession to the Arabs. It is like what is mentioned in the saying of Allaah (interpretation of the meaning) in Surat At-Takwir (81:4): ‘When the pregnant she-camels shall be neglected.’” [Saheeh Muslim with Sharh An-Nawawi (2/192)]
The Time for Departure
With regard to the duration of Iesa’s (‘Alayhis-Salaam) stay on earth after his descent; some reports quote seven years, while others mention forty years.
In a narration of Saheeh Muslim by ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr (Radia-Allaahu ‘anhuma): “Allaah will send Iesa ibn Maryam… … then people will live for seven years; there will be no rancor between any two people. Then Allaah will send a cold wind from the side of Syria such that none will survive upon the earth having a speck of good in him or faith in him but he would die…” [Muslim no. 2940]
In another narration quoted in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad and Abu Dawoud, “Iesa will stay on earth for forty years, after which he will pass away, and Muslims will perform the funeral prayer for him.” [Musnad Ahmad (2/406) Bihamishihi Muntakhab al-Kanz. Ibn Hajar said it is Saheeh (6/493)]
Both these narrations are authentic and a reconciliation of these two is that the seven-year period refers to the time Iesa (‘Alayhis-Salaam) will stay on earth after his descent, and this is an addition to the duration he spent on earth before being raised to the heavens when he was around thirty-three years old as is famously known. [An-Nihaya Fil Fitan wal-Malaahim (1/142) – Tahqeeq Dr. Taha Zeini]
As-haab Ar-Rasoul (The Companions of the Messenger) by Mahmoud Al -Masri
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