Fatawa Concerning Laser Hair Removal of the Face and Body
- Fatawa Noor alad-Darb
Q1) What is the ruling for women using laser to remove facial hair (excluding the eyebrows) and the hair of the body?
Q2) What is the ruling for men using laser to remove hair ordered by the law (Shari‘ah) to be removed, such as the armpit hair and the pubic hair?
Shaikh Sulayman ar-Raheeli (Hafidhahullaah) said:
First: Is it permissible for the woman to remove facial hair and the hair of the body?
As for the hair of the eyebrows, it is not permissible for the woman to remove it or lighten it. She should keep it as Allaah (Ta’ala) created it if it does not exceed the normal (natural) creation such as to be long to an extent that it falls in the eye or distorts the face. This is because such a thing is not what Allaah (Ta’ala) created women with. In this case, it is permissible to remove these excess hairs because it is not considered a change in Allaah’s creation for beautification purposes; rather, it is bringing back the creation to its normal state.
As for facial hair apart from the hair of the eyebrows:
The Ulamaa’ (scholars) are in dispute regarding it.
Some of them said that by Nams (plucking the hair), for which its doer is cursed, the plucking of the facial hair is meant.
However, the most correct point of view of the scholars is that it is permissible for the woman to remove the facial hair that grows on her face other than the eyebrows. This is because basically in the woman’s creation, there is no hair on her face; therefore, if it grows, she can remove it.
The Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whatever Allaah has kept silent regarding it, then it is forgiven (allowable).” [Hasan, Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Maajah]
As for the hair on the rest of the body, she can remove it.
There is a question: Is it permissible for her to remove this hair with the help of or by another woman?
The answer is: As for the hair which grows on the parts of the body which are permissible for a woman to uncover in front of another woman, then it is permissible for her to seek the help of her sister or a female doctor to remove this hair.
As for the hair which grows on the parts of the body which should not be uncovered in front of other women, then it is forbidden for her to seek the help of another woman to remove it. This is because it is not a sort of medical treatment which allows one to uncover her ‘Awrah; it is a kind of beautification of the creation and this is not considered a medical treatment.
Therefore, we say it is not permissible for a woman to use laser to remove hair which grows on parts of the body which should not be uncovered in front of another woman. This is because laser treatment for hair removal cannot be done without the help of another woman.
However, in regards to hair that grows on the parts of the body which are permissible for women to uncover in front of another woman; in that case, it is permissible for her to seek the help of another woman or a female doctor in a clinic to remove this hair using laser hair removal treatment.
Some doctors have said that domestic (for home use) laser is harmful and could cause burning; accordingly, it is not permissible to be used.
Regarding men: it is not permissible for him to shave his beard, nor shorten it because the Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Let the beard grow.” [Muslim]
Whereas the rest of the hair on the body which the law (Shari’ah) did not command the man to remove, it appears to me that it is not permissible for the man to remove it and look like a woman, unless the hair becomes so excessive, to an extent that harms him, then he could lighten it.
* Is it permissible for the man to remove the hair of the armpit by laser?
Yes, it is permissible if it is proven that it does not harm him. As for the pubic hair, it is not permissible for him to remove it by laser for the same reasons mentioned in the case of women.
[The ruling of removing hair by laser for men and women by Shaikh Sulaymaan ar–Raheeli]
* The Permanent Committee of Ifta was asked:
“What is the ruling for removing pubic hair by laser?”
Ans: It is forbidden to uncover one’s ‘Awrah, except in cases of necessity and need. Uncovering the ‘Awrah for the sake of removing hair is neither a necessity nor a dire need. Moreover, one cannot be safe from the harm that may result from complete removal of the hair. This is because there is a wisdom behind Allaah creating man having hair in this area.
The Permanent Committee of Ifta said in their Fatawa: “It is not permissible to look at the ‘Awrah of a sick person, except for necessity. And the necessity is estimated by its amount. It should not be seen except to the extent needed for treatment and this is done only by doctors or surgeons during the operation. [Fatawa no. 17172]
There are some differences of scholarly opinion concerning the hair on the legs, hands, cheeks or forehead, about which the texts are silent and do not say whether it is to be removed or left as it is:
* Some said that it is not permissible to remove it, because removing it implies changing the creation of Allaah, as Allaah tells us that the Shaytaan said (interpretation of the meaning):
‘And indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allaah.’
[Surat an-Nisaa’ 4:119]
* Some said that this is one of the things concerning which nothing was said, so the ruling is that it is allowed. It is permissible to leave it or to remove it, because whatever is not mentioned in the Qur’an or Sunnah is permissible. This was the view favored by the scholars of the Standing Committee and by Shaikh Ibn ‘Uthaimeen in Fatawa al-Mar’ah al-Muslimah. [Islamqa]
Q: Is the removal of the hair of the hands and legs lawful for women or is it considered changing Allaah’s creation?
Ans: It is better for one to keep what Allaah has created him or her with except what the Shar’ commanded to remove such as the armpit hair and the pubic hair, and clipping the nails. These are removed in compliance to the Shar’. As for what the Shar’ did not mention to remove, it is better to keep it as it is and not change. But if the hair of the hands and legs become thick, such that it becomes abnormal and looks ugly and disliked by others in the community then there is no sin on the person to lighten it.
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