Companionship of the Qur’an (Musaahabah of the Qur’an) – Part 1
Is the companionship of the Qur’an by reciting it, or listening to it, or pondering over it, or studying it? The companionship of the Qur’an, in fact, combines all the aforementioned ranks.
The Meaning of Companionship (Musaahabah)
Al-Musaahabah in the Arabic language means accompaniment (i.e. the state of permanent attachment or staying with constantly). It also includes the meaning of association and agreement and indicates close connection. Therefore, the wife is called Saahibah in the Arabic language because she associates permanently with her husband and there is nearness between them.
Read Part 2 of this article
The word Saahab means that there is mutual exchange between two parties. For example, when you say: ‘Abu Bakr Saahab Zayd’, it means both take the other as his companion, as opposed to a one sided relationship.
Based on the aforementioned linguistic meaning, Musaahabah of the Qur’an is to have a strong relationship between you and the Qur’an by reciting, pondering, and reflecting over its meaning, extracting its benefits, and learning it repeatedly.
A question may arise: How will the Qur’an accompany its reciter?
If the reciter has truly fulfilled the conditions of acquiring the companionship with the Qur’an, it will accompany him in the Hereafter.
The Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Recite the Qur’an, for it will come on the Day of Resurrection interceding for its companions.” [Muslim]
So, whoever accompanies the Qur’an in this world, then it (the Qur’an) will accompany him in the Hereafter.
The Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “It shall be said to the companion of the Qur’an: ‘Recite and rise up, recite (melodiously) as you would recite in the world. For indeed your rank shall be at the last verse you recited.’” [Authenticated by Al-Albaani in Saheeh At-Tirmidhi no. 2914]
This means that our companionship with the Qur’an should be nurtured throughout our lives. According to how much one accompanies the Book of Allaah in this life; that much he will find of its companionship on the Day when he meets Allaah. He will find the intercession of the Qur’an for him with Allaah, the defense of the Qur’an for him, and its shading him on the Day of Judgment.
The Prophet Muhammad (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Verily, Allaah has His own people among mankind.” They said: “O Messenger of Allaah, who are they?” He (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “The People of the Qur’an; (they are) the People of Allaah, and those who are closest to Him.” [Authenticated by Al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah]
The people of the Qur’an will be the closest people to their Lord, His allegiance, care and guardianship.
Muslim reported a Hadeeth explaining who the people of the Qur’an are: The Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “The Qur’an will be brought on the Day of Resurrection, as will its people who used to act in accordance with it.” [Muslim no. 805]
This means that whoever recites the Qur’an while his heart is not attached to it, nor does he act in accordance with it, is not considered from the family (people) of the Qur’an.
Also, when the Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Recite the Qur’an, for it will come on the Day of Resurrection interceding for its companions.” He (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) did not say: “For its reciters” or “memorizers”, but rather he emphasized the meaning of companionship.
Accordingly, the texts which mention: “Whoever recites a letter (from the Qur’an)…” have distinguished between recitation and companionship. Not everyone who recites the Qur’an will be a companion to it.
Q. Is the one who memorizes the Qur’an a companion of the Qur’an?
A. It is not a condition, for there are many memorizers of the Qur’an who do not act upon it. And perhaps there are some who do not memorize the Qur’an who are considered from among the people and companions of the Qur’an.
The Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “The example of the companion of the Qur’an (person who knows the Qur’an by heart) is like the owner of tied camels. If he keeps them tied, he will control them, but if he releases them, they will run away.” [Al-Bukhaari no. 5031]
In another narration, he (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “If the companion of the Qur’an stood up in prayer reciting the Qur’an in the days and nights, then he would remember it, but if he does not stand up in prayer reciting the Qur’an, he will forget it.” [Authenticated by Al-Albaani in As-Silsilah as-Saheeha no. 597]
The companion of the Qur’an is the one attached to the Qur’an day and night, especially during the night prayer. He establishes the night prayer reciting the Qur’an in order to strengthen his relationship with the Qur’an and keep it preserved (memorized) with him.
The Statements of some Scholars regarding the meaning of Saahib (Companion) of the Qur’an
The following are some of the explanations of the Scholars regarding the term ‘Saahib al-Qur’an’ (The Companion of the Qur’an) which are mentioned in the Hadeeth: “It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an: ‘Recite and ascend.’”
- – Ibn Hajar al-Haithami (Rahimahullaah) said: “The Hadeeth is concerning the one who memorizes the Qur’an by heart and not the one who recites the Qur’an from the Mus-haf. This is because people do not differ in their recitation from the Mus-haf but they do in their memorization of the Qur’an by heart. Accordingly, their degrees in Paradise will be different. In addition to that, on the Day of Resurrection, there is no Mus-haf for the person to read from; therefore this Hadeeth pertains to those who memorize the Qur’an by heart.” This statement is good and correct but the meaning cannot be generalized and applied to all the texts which mention the Musaahabah (companionship). Rather, it is said that the memorizers of the Qur’an are more eligible to enter into the relationship and honor of companionship with the Qur’an, but this is not a must. There are many memorizers of the Qur’an who are far away from the Qur’an, so how can they be companions of the Qur’an?
- Al-Mulla ‘Ali Qaari (Rahimahullaah) said: “Saahibul-Qur’an is the one who continually seeks the company of the Qur’an by reciting it and acting upon it! So he combines recitation and acting, and he is not one who recites the Qur’an while the Qur’an curses him.”
- At-Tibi (Rahimahullaah) said: “The meaning of ascension in the Hadeeth is a continual ascension, as he used to do with his recitation; when he finished it he would start again. Similarly, this ascension in degrees in the Hereafter will be without end. The recitation of the Qur’an to him is like the Tasbeeh (glorification) of the angels; nothing of worldly enjoyment and pleasures occupies him from it, and therefore it becomes his greatest pleasure on the Day of Resurrection.”
- Ibn Hajar (Rahimahullaah) said: “The Hadeeth indicates that this great reward will not be attained except by the one who memorizes the Qur’an and perfects its recitation as he should. The one who recites it by looking at it is not called Saahib al-Qur’an (companion of the Qur’an). Rather, this title is for the one who is inseparable from the Qur’an in all states. He makes the Qur’an his companion with whom he sits and enjoys its companionship, remembers it at all times, never takes a break from it; not on ‘Eid or any other occasion, not in good health or in sickness. This is the person who deserves to be called the Companion of the Qur’an.”
- Al-Qurtubi (Rahimahullaah) said: “Our Scholars (may Allaah be merciful with them) said that the bearers of the Qur’an and its reciters are those who know its rulings, it’s lawful and unlawful, and act upon what is therein.”
- Maalik (Rahimahullaah) said: “A person in whom there is no good may recite the Qur’an.”
Meaning, there are categories of people who are skilled in recitation of the Qur’an but who do not deserve the honor of being of those who have the companionship of the Qur’an!
Musaahabah al-Qur’an by Shaikh Hasan Bukhaari
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