Question: Is it permissible to draw on the faces of children, that which has become widespread in entertainment places and so forth? The drawings are usually either images of animals, hearts, etc.
Shaikh ‘Abdullaah ibn Muhammad at-Tayyar (Hafidhahullaah) answered: “There are two types of drawing: First: Drawing pictures of animate beings (which have […]
Al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (the Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fatawaa) was asked the following question: “We are a group of students who are intending to study the ruling of Tarteel with Warsh (way of recitation) and the Mus-haf which is in our hands is not printed with that way […]
Definition of Oath: Linguistic Meaning: ‘Aymaan’ is the plural of ‘Yameen’, and it means ‘Halif’ or ‘Qasam’ (i.e. swearing). It is called ‘al-Halif al-Yameen’ because when people take an oath (swear to others) or put one to oath, each one strikes his own right hand on the right hand of the other. Shar’ee (legal) […]
Q: Is it permissible for a person to delay paying the Zakah of his wealth or Zakatul-Fitr in order to give it to one of the poor people who he is not able to get in touch with yet? Answer: If the amount of time is short and not long, there is no harm […]
Question: Is it permissible in Islam to write fictitious novels and stories (i.e. stories that are not true), using made up examples and stories for children for educational reasons (i.e. to take lessons from them)?
The Permanent Committee of Iftaa’ answered with the following:
“It is […]
First: Is it legally prescribed to play a recorded Adhan for announcing the Salat? Secondly: Should one respond to a recorded Adhan? The answer for the first question: It is not permissible to announce the Adhan by playing a recorded Adhan; rather the Adhan should be […]
Is using false (artificial) eyelashes considered Wasl (i.e. hair extension) or not? Using Al-Wasl (hair extension) is one of the major sins, as it is reported by Al-Bukhaari on the authority of Asma’ (Radia-Allaahu ‘anha): A woman asked the Prophet (Salla-Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam): “O Allaah’s Messenger! My daughter got measles and her […]
One of the most important contemporary issues in the Book of Taharah is what is called dry cleaning or steam cleaning. This is because certain clothes are spoiled (damaged) by washing with water such as woolen clothes and other certain types of clothes. Therefore, they are cleaned […]
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